All East Asia

Court Apron from Korea

Court apron (husu) (detail), Korea, Joseon dynasty (1392-1910), late 19th century. Silk, brass rings; satin weave, embroidered; 68 x 25 cm. The Textile Museum Collection 2010.7.1. Gift of Dorothy D. Miller.

All East Asia

Temple Banner from Japan

Buddhist temple banner (detail), Japan, mid-19th century. Silk, gilt paper; satin weave with supplementary weft patterning; 271 x 67 cm. The Textile Museum Collection 2011.9.1. Museum purchase.

All East Asia

Cloud Collar from China

Woman’s cloud collar, China, Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), c. 1895. Silk and metal-wrapped threads; satin weave, embroidery; 48 x 112 cm. The Textile Museum Collection 1973.7.3. Gift of Mrs. Thomas Arms.

All East Asia

Miao Baby Carrier from China

Baby carrier; China, Guizhou Province, Taijiang County, Geyi Township; Miao people; 20th century. Cotton, silk; embroidered, assembled; 126 x 79 cm. The Textile Museum Collection 2015.8.164. Bea Roberts Collection of Chinese Minority Textiles.

All East Asia

Korean Wrapping Cloth

Wrapping cloth, Korea, early 20th century. Silk, pieced, 57 x 55 cm. Cotsen Textile Traces Study Collection T-2400.