All Washingtoniana

Print of the Proposed Site for the 1892 World’s Fair

A. Hoen & Co. (Baltimore), “Birdseye View of the National Capital Including the Site of the Proposed World’s Exposition of 1892 and Permanent Exposition of the Three Americas,” published by E. Kurtz Johnson, 1888. Albert H. Small Washingtoniana Collection AS 286.


Textile Fragment from Egypt

Textile fragment; Egypt, Thebes; c.1200 BCE. Linen, paint; plain weave, painting; 34 x 55 cm. The Textile Museum Collection 7.3. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1948.

All East Asia

Buddhist Priest’s Mantle from China

Buddhist priest’s mantle (jiasha), China, mid-18th century. Silk, gold-wrapped yarns, paint; slit tapestry weave; 120 x 303 cm. The Textile Museum Collection 51.66. Acquired by George Hewitt Myers in 1949.

All Southeast Asia Student Research

How Pattern Connects us to the Past

Garment fragment; Indonesia, Java, North coast; c. 1920. Cotton batik, 15.5 in x 13 in. Cotsen Textile Traces Study Collection, T-1223. Bruce M. White Photography.

All South Asia Southeast Asia Student Research

Communicating Kingship and Devotion Across Cultures

Detail of phaa nung skirt, ceremonial; India, Coromandel Coast; c. late 18th century., Coromandel Coast, India, Late 18th century, Cotton, resist-dyed; 42 x 25 cm. Cotsen Textile Traces Study Collection T-0669. Bruce M. White Photography.